Commercial Demo

Television Ad


A professionally recorded demo featuring multiple commercial styles

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
okay, I'm gonna be real with you. Are you ready? There's no right or wrong way to dunk an oreo and milk. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. There could be a million reasons why you're smiling today. Your favorite song was on the radio or you're just happy being you. No matter what it is. Let me undies be one of them. Get yours at me undies dot com. Don't let your next adventure be determined by where your vehicle can't go, but by where your imagination. Can the Subaru Forester drive into your dreams? Why is spindrift sparkling water so delicious? You asked. Simple. It's made with real fruit and nothing else. Nat geo tv is where mother nature's greatest moments. Deadliest predators and marvels that you won't believe until you see are waiting to be experienced. When it comes to your pups, nutrition. Every dog has different needs. At ali we cater meals custom to your dog to keep them healthy and happy