Character Demo Reel

Profile photo for Vinny Schultz
Not Yet Rated


A small showcase of characters that I have written and voiced.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Come on, where are you? You son of a *****? I really need to work on my organizational skills. Oh, there you are, my girl who? Sweet, sweet crank. Do you understand what I am telling you? You have, you know and the went for your fellow human, human, forgive me, but you must realize what is becoming of your kind kind. How many ******* toys does a dog need? What happened to just throwing a stick? Unbelievable. These things are nothing more than just soft pieces of ****, jesus christ. They released the hounds everybody into the trees, move it, look here sweetheart, you want the job. But don't you just get me a picture of that sexy latino man from the bingo hall and bring it back to me. Oh and give me a pack of misty one twenties and some scratch offs while you're out or I'll punch you in the neck, bang Stalin. Hey, hey, hey, hey, wake up having a nice nap princess. You ready to talk now because I'm getting awfully tired of your ****, Mark Fairy ******* tired. But I guess you're okay with that, right? You never have to hear mom cry at night. You never have to deal with Sam asking where his father is, but I do