Human sexuality

Profile photo for Violet sakwa
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Talks about generally sexual experiences we experience in our day to day life. The challenge of communication about sex. Most couples experience difficulties of satisfaction because they can not disclose to their partners. Have contributed to this by counseling couples on the importance of talking.

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Young Adult (18-35)


African (General) East African (General)


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in human sexuality, communication is key. Therefore destructive patterns of interaction. They include criticism, contempt defensiveness and withdrawal In criticism. Israel one attacks the other, for example when you take your partner that they are selfish because they did not do what he wanted them to do. Then in content is when you orally abuse your partner may be verbal by using so mean words, then we have defensiveness, defensiveness is we're one denies responsibilities by making excuses, replaying with complaints. Then we have withdrawal, withdrawal is either responding to a person with silence or or ignoring the other person. A human sexuality their skills the trunk can use to enhance positive communication. For example self disclosure disclosure. That is one of the most important skill when your partner discloses above themselves to you. It build up intimacy. It brings about satisfaction in the relationship and this brings about reciprocal, the sea proceeding. Whatever you give you get back it gets, it gets back to you. I mean when you tell your person about you it will give them the the good energy of them disclosing themselves to you. Again, I mean when you share to your partner about your most embarrassing incidences, when misha to your partner about your laws, your weaknesses and stuff that will build up trust, your partner will trust you and the intimacy between you. We will grow. Then we have also when you want to be an effective communicator, it is important to recognize the difference between the internet, impact intent is what you mean and impact is what the other thing you mean or rather is that your partner understands when you convey your message. Whatever your partner understands that is what we call impact, then effectiveness they're not does not depend on the impact of the communication to be effect to be an effective communicator. It's true planning your own strategy timing when you want to communicate to your partner, timing plays a very vital role. For example, when your partner has just come from the workplace and they are tired, exhausted, they just need some good rest shower. Go forward and now you bring about a serious matter that is not a good timing. Your personal won't be attentive, your personal won't give you the intention that you want. Then again, it is hard for most of you talk about sex with their partners. For example, a female who is not being satisfied, A female who is not getting orgasms, they won't tell their partner that, you know when we are in the game, I'm not getting satisfied and that is something that Brexit most relationships. Then we have human sexuality in general plays a vital role, is all about gender roles, there, about how you communicate to each other. It covers a lot of things