Radio News Compilation

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A showreel of radio news and radio presenting jobs. BBC, RP

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
BBC News with Victoria Meakin. A ban on exports of wheat and other grains has come into force in Russia because the current heatwave and wild fires have destroyed at least 1/3 of the grain harvest. The ban of Gordon Brown's speech was devoted to Afghanistan on the terrorist repercussions that the prime minister says will occur was during Ella Galaxies MLS Cup final match that David Beckham was spotted having a quick puff on an inhaler. His agency, the Fourth of April at three PM the BBC Philharmonic. The conductor is Richard Davis. Chris Jarvis. Security forces ambushed Abdel Rockman our word and two of his associates as they were travelling through the town of Storer in the Bekaa Valley. Jim Your Reports, CBS reporter Victoria Meakin joins me now. Victoria, what's this? All abounds. When has any British soldier who served in Iraq Khun tell you? Thie? Entire countries very much divided along tribal, religious and ethnic lines. On in the north, there's a huge Kurdish community. Now the P k K. The Kurdistan Workers Party is listed as a terrorist organisation. It was formed in the seventies with the object of creating an independent state with the BBC. With several European countries now considering banning face veils in pain, Istok has told the Iraq inquiry that the US seemed set on invading Iraq regardless of what the U. N Security Council thought, as well as saying the reasons for the way. There were plenty of great pop hits in 1960 but the British economy wasn't looking quite as impressive. Currently, it's the job of Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling to change things for the better. Back then PM Harold MacMillan was at the helm blowing through this. Just like today, the political situation was looking perhaps a little more exciting. On the other side of the pond, Senator John Kennedy, the Democratic nominee for the presidency of the United Things were quite interesting in the world of sport. The man who went on to change his name to Mohammad Ali was already causing a stir. Players presented the coveted gold medal, but back to the present thie reality of today's figures could be bad for our pockets. The economy