Political Demo

Radio Ad


This demo features the \"vibe\" utilized in the majority of political advertisements.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Peter Roskam has been nothing but a rubber stamp for Washington Republicans and their radical agenda. Sean cast in, has a background in science and engineering, and he knows what facts look like this November. Vote for change. Vote Sean Casting for the U. S. House. When I was a kid, we had duck and cover drills at school. Now students have to drill for active shooters. Call your Congress person today and tell them that America stands against the n r. A. Agenda. Kevin J. Leone believes in California values. Dianne Feinstein has had her turn. Let's elect a real progressive vote for Kevin Daly own in the Democratic primary for Senate. Wyoming has been in Republican hands for a generation, and what do we have to show for it? Poverty, Failing schools Mary Thorne wants to change all that. She'll stand up to her own party when they attack small business, and she'll put an end to the big businesses who have damaged our quality of life. The Democratic National Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising 0.5%. It averages out to about $40 per household per year, but it will make all the difference in keeping our state beautiful. Vote yes on Proposition 8 32 and help preserve organs wild places.