Dubbing Sample - Cheesy, arrogant, Know-it-all

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Dubbed over voice for a character that is full of himself, and is a little annoying.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I don't think you can find a better place to work. You see, I have an associates degree in business. Allegheny County Community College? Yes, indeed. Anyway, when I received my degree, I interviewed with a number of companies. And let me tell you, Glenda, some pretty heavy hitters to established national change. But I was looking for a dynamic growing company where I could step right in and make a difference with save a bundle. I found, if you will, a professional home. I could tell from the first interview. You know, most people are interested in how a company can help them. Not me. I talked to Ted Crandall from the main office, and I just asked point blank. How can I help? What can I do to contribute? Well, let me tell you, that surprised him that I think he found refreshing. You know, he hesitated for a moment, and you can see he was considering this proposition from all angles. He had that look, you know that that look he gets when he's carefully looking at all the aspects, you know that Look, I'm talking about Well, he had that look. Finally, he looked me right in the eyes, stuck out his hand and said, Well, to start with, you can become a member of our team. That's what he called it Glenda. A team. You can become a member of our team and within three years you can advance right up the ladder to assistant manager. You know what I said? Where do I sign? Four years to employee of the month awards. Three management trainee retreats later here I am.