African-American, Black, Strong, Teacher, Student, Wise, Emotional



Professionally recorded elearning spots for various companies. RECENT clients include: Toyota, Walgreens, State Farm, H&M, Humana, Albertsons, Quicken Loans, Rocket Mortgage, Indeed, Silk, Goldfish, Shutterfly, and several Fortune 500 companies.

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Vocal Characteristics




North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Starbucks Coffee Academy is a great resource for not only those who wear the green, but members of the Starbucks community that want to learn more about coffee. We will take you from cultivation to roasting to brewing and so much more at Starbucks. We love our coffee and we hope you'll join us on this journey to bring the world of coffee coffee to everyone. Customer safety is a major priority for Applebee's and proper food handling procedures are a key component to our customer safety strategy. Proper hand washing is extremely important, including a minimum of 30 seconds of lathering. Proper drying is important too. Remember, damp hands are more than 1000 times more likely to spread bacteria than dry hands. Now that you've learned the GNC chords, you're ready to try a song. Pick any of the three options on your screen to open the player app. Remember you can slow down at any time with a turtle icon at the top of your screen. If things are getting too hard, if you want to pick another song, just refresh your page ready. Let's play. Can you spot the tiger? Click on the tiger now? Great. Job. Can you spot that? So snake? Sorry, that's not a snake. Click on the snake. Perfect. You found the snake IDA or earnings before interest taxes, depreciation and amortization is a measure of a company's overall financial performance. This measurement first became prominent in the mid 19 eighties as a tool for leveraged, buy out investors to examine troubled companies in need of financial.