Children's Video Game



Children's Video Game

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


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My name is Antonella by the italian tradition. Since I'm the oldest daughter, I was named after my grandmother. My name is Beatrice, it means she who makes everyone happy due to the meaning of my name in life. Everything makes me happy. After finishing school I came back to live with my parents in Tuscany. My name is Elena that means a shining light. I just love my name. Lucrezia is also a strong opponent simply it was not her lucky day. My name is lucrezia. It means very well off. My parents are very wealthy, that is why they gave me that name. A year ago my parents bought a house here in Tuscany and we moved here. I'm a maid of honor as well. I live in the palace. My room is next to the room of Princess margarita. I love to teach princess margarita to read and write. I've been the princess's nanny. So since her birth I give her medications when she is sick, I'm always by her side. I love to tell princess fables and stories. I am a nun. I have been living in a monastery for the past 20 years. I enjoy praying and reading the bible to the princess. I am the daughter of the king and queen. My name is Princess margarita. When I grow up I will marry a king of a nearby country and will also become a queen