English- Video Narration, Explainer & Corporate

Profile photo for Seep Gandhi
Talent Online
Video Narration


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Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Indian (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
a Maharashtra company Driving India's energy aspirations is the largest crude oil and natural gas company in India, which launched the ONGC Foundation in 2014 By focusing on health livelihood and education. This foundation is touching every aspect that can bring a positive change in the society. There are 678,290,000 Children under five around the world. But what's so important about being five a lot. It turns out, let's watch a short video to understand what to look out for when interacting with links and websites. The climate emergency is all around us and they have hit with far greater ferocity than anyone imagined. Lal kila, the red food has become a symbol of not just Delhi but of the entire country. It is a symbol of India's sovereignty, prosperity, tolerance and its many struggles. Most people know that exercise is important to staying healthy but they may not understand why it is so important. Regular exercise is key to help reduce the risk of developing noncommunicable diseases, all diseases that are not infectious or contagious. We live in a world of shocks so many crisis all at once. It's time to take a hard look at these challenges and what it might take to escape them. I used to get a lot of angry calls from customers delayed deliveries, disputes in quantity, price mismatches. We were losing loyal long term customers. Our team was frustrated to the sales team never knew what price or delivery date to promise. The procurement team never knew how much inventory to maintain. The accounts team struggled with cash flows. Everyone was busy, but we weren't getting much done. Our work has been applied in cities across the globe to update policies, build local capacity, implement projects and scale up impact, making cities safer and more equitable. Let's take care of the present to ensure our future, allow everyone to be vaccinated to return to normal.