Brett Raynor - Audiobook



Audiobook narration.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
there's more than one road to **** and you can forget about good intentions. I should know. I'm a PTSD therapist. Claire Wilhite, MSW, December 2024 Paul Sweeney, Sergeant US Army Paul Sweeney slumped back into his couch and thumbed through his high school yearbook for the 1000th time. Good luck in the future, Paul Have a great summer, the usual drivel written by casual acquaintances who thought they knew him but would barely recognize him now the ready, quirky smile and contagious laugh for which he was known had vanished after his return from the Middle East. The TV droned on in a feeble attempt to put him to sleep while his physical injuries had healed completely. Paul's experiences left him with severe post traumatic stress disorder, which in turn opened the door to years of self medication in desperate attempts to escape his memories and the depression that attended them. He'd spent the past six years repeatedly trying to get help from the V. A. Paul popped open another beer and swallowed his anti depressant breaking news. A red banner appeared below the reporter who was talking on screen. Police have cordoned off the grisly scene behind me. Here at the downtown V a center, it appears that another veteran has taken his own life in the parking lot of the medical center. Stay tuned for more news on this developing story. Paul hurled the nearly full can of beer against the wall. He put his head in his hands. The bubbly contents were still forming a puddle on the floor when he stood and picked up his phone to call his doctor at the V. A. It's Paul Sweeney. Yes, I've thought about it and would like to start your new medication program this afternoon. Yes, I'll be there. I'll leave right now. Plucking his keys from the kitchen table, Paul headed out to his car. He had just enough time to make his appointment. Paul traveled with a gun under the front seat, never sure if each day might be the last day he could bear. But today wouldn't be that day from everything he'd been told. The experimental drug developed by the researchers at the Phoenix V. A would be a lifesaver