Steve Rausch - Nonfiction Audiobook Demo - Versatile, Entertaining



Excerpts from 7 of the more than 35 audiobooks I have narrated for Audible, representing fiction and non-fiction titles.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the Ebola epidemic ravaging parts of West Africa is the most severe acute public health emergency seen in modern times. Never before in recorded history has a biosafety level. Four pathogens infected so many people so quickly over such a broad geographical area for so long, Alison shrieked, grabbing the Bible from the night stand and holding it out towards the Children like a shield. Arthur's face took on the saddest expression of regretful, pitying frown. Other. We are not demons. We grew in this earth long before your demons were given life. You had no right! Mitsu screamed. The attack came before the words even left his lips. Sparks flew as their blades met in mid air. The air ringing is the swords danced off of each other again and again. On December 16th 1949 10 weeks after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the newly established Ministry of Heavy Industry held its first meeting in Beijing to plan a new steel and metallurgical center in China's interior. I could see the headlights of the two SUVs. I cracked a few knuckles on the steering wheel and shifted my neck from side to side to loosen up. I knew I only had one chance to get this right. Linda, are you okay? He shakes her body. I don't think she's okay. I give up on my phone and put it in my pocket. She's dead. Sam loses it. She's dead. Oh, ****. His voice cracks. He looks up at me. High nod. Yeah, Sam. Nobody's answering at 911 Bill, Get him up and get him some water. A succession of emperors After Constantine failed to bring peace to the empire. And in 3 78 while attempting to stop an invasion of Visigoths, West Goths south of the Danube, the Emperor Vaillant lost his life when his army was defeated at the battle of Adrian Opal.