Character Demo

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Character reads I've done for various projects

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General) North American (US New York, New Jersey, Bronx, Brooklyn) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Thanks for calling Star Star Mob wives to catch the latest mob wives drama. We've just sent you a text click the link for exclusive videos, gossip and links to mob y social media sites Mom wives Onley on MTV and VH one This cool automatically disconnects kids. Um said the saving fish. A full river municipal credit union saving money, smart and fun to join the Sid Saver account today and earn money. Tell your parents did said so. And enjoy the movie. Mr. You're stepping on my jump rope. Mommy, it always happens like this. This is a lot of acorns, but for that will be buried them. Ah, Labor Day weekend. So great food on the barbecue, a cold glass of iced tea and Oh, yeah, that old clunker that's always breaking down. You know, I'm just mean as a snake. Here, let me get my mobile out. Call your record. Oh, shoot! I ain't got no phone seeing his eyes on pothole when all I break you. Yes, because I am strong like the ox. Come, you hit me again. I cost you like Danny Count Gar