DOCUMENTARIES - Hope, Storytelling, Narrator



DOCUMENTARIES - Hope, Storytelling, Narrator

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
convoy of hope is ready to help you prepare for the next storm visit convoy dot org slash prepare. The story really began sometime during the late Pleistocene era. It was a very different world then humans would not arrive in North America for at least 40,000 years. Giant sloths and mastodons roamed the continent and vast bald cypress forests flourished along what would be the Alabama's gulf coast, but things were about to change. Climate warmed and the sea level rose, submerging the ancient forest beneath the waves and covering it with a protective layer of sand and peat, which kept the wood in a state of suspended animation. In the oxygen free muck Streeter bikes are the perfect way to teach your toddler of one or two how to balance themselves. Streeter bikes are lightweight, durable and perfectly engineered and they're as easy for parents as they are fun for kids. We the people, it's got a nice ring to it. three simple words that start off a mission statement of America by saying, we're all in this together