Light German Accent


Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)




Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the killer could have gone on hiding his victims forever. It's now he unconsciously wants us to find him. We may not know who he is yet, but he exists in plain sight. In the absence of evidence, we must rely on what he's left behind, who must divines their killer by his AK's victims, where he kills him. What he does to them. Every choice reveals some hidden aspect of his mind. We know he's violence, so we must beware not to get too close for fear that violence might spill over onto us. The killer could have gone on hiding his victims forever. Yes. Now he unconsciously wants us to find him. We may not know who he is. Yes, but you exist in plain sight. In the absence of evidence, we must rely on what's left behind you. We must divines the killer by his ox, his victims where he kills him. What he says was them Every choice reveal some hidden aspect of his mind. We know his violence. So we must beware not to get too close for fear of violence might spill run to us