The Player (Video Game, English, slightly grumpy)

Profile photo for William Nguyen
Not Yet Rated


I haven't thought about auditioning for being the voices of Madness Project Nexus, mostly because the voices had been cast already, but considering that voice lines are only relegated to grunts and quick quips during combat and not dialogue, I decided to have a go at it.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
So this is the place, huh?
The name's player.
And it's time to move out, old timer. This is my place now.
Great. Well, I'm gonna find the circuit breaker and get the power on in this dump. You'd better be gone when I get back.
All right, doc, we're in business. I'm ready to get started.
Doc, gimme a hand.
Fantastic. Thanks.
What the **** are you still doing here? I asked you nicely to vacate. I can't make something out of this wretched dump with you here.
Well, unless you're handy with the broom, I need you gone today. Now.
Not exactly. This place is going to be the headquarters for a massive paramilitary enterprise and I'm pretty much building it from scratch.
Alright, where do we start?
Help me out. What am I looking at here?
And this rusty old box is supposed to bring the money and manpower. I need to build this place. Yeah. Ok. Sure.