


This is a Explainer spot for ProfitMethods. It showcases the range I have and talent I can put to my craft. I have a mixture of mellow and enticing, playful, instructive, personable and conversational. Take a listen. I think you'll like it.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland) North American (US Western)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
this is Greg. Greg who may be similar to someone like yourself, is one of the many people who's noticing how expensive things are getting everywhere he goes, gas prices soaring and the housing market exploding, and then Greg signed up for profit methods. Now Greg is learning about new streams of income, since Greg was lucky enough to sign up with profit methods, he now has access to updated guides for selling items online from maximum profit profit methods guides Greg to make large orders on what items he needs to purchase. He can then start making large orders of profitable products, which he can mark up later at a higher price based on market trend, so he can make maximum profit profit methods has compiled a large range of updated content from making money online. This allows Greg to start selling on amazon ebay, macari and other platforms. This includes brand approvals and setting up the legal aspects of his business. Another feature that Greg uses with profit methods is custom built monitors for retail websites. These bots can major websites every second for profitable products and then notifying you the moment they become in stock or when they restock another benefit from being a profit methods. Member is having exclusive access to profit methods, prepping warehouses. Once Greg establishes his reselling business, he's going to find a lot of his time is wasted prepping items for the customers. When Greg's business surpasses his ability to handle his inventory, he'll be able to use profit methods warehouses to handle all the physical work and watch his business grow. Greg's membership to profit methods allows him to have access to a professional tax specialist. Now Greg has access to a licensed tax specialist in prepare if he has any questions about the legalities of his business. Another passive income stream. Profit methods includes for Greg is understanding options and stock calls. The stock market can be a daunting place and always has been for Greg, so many options and too much information that needs to be digested. Well now Greg has access to a full time trader who is completely transparent with his picks and daily recaps of the market. Whether you're bull or bear one of the best benefits Greg gets for signing up to profit methods is the community, communicating with people who can brainstorm Greg's ideas with him as he progresses along the way is extremely important. There is no one way route for multiple streams of income and now Greg and facilities to bounce his ideas off other members who have advice on the road blocks or hurdles that may occur. So take the leap and be more like Greg, join profit methods and start securing your financial future today