Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Nicole Dama
Not Yet Rated
Online Ad


This demo focuses on a variety of advertisements. From a strong corporate boss, to a sensual chocolatier. Starts with a businss focused trend ad, then a willful children's toliet paper, followed by a depression PSA, a cold medicine commercial and ending with a seductive chocolate ad.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
When you want to rule the market, you can't just follow the trends. You have to make them, you have to see the next horizon and step out in front of the pack to meet it. It can be risky, but you don't have to face it alone riding the roller coasters at the amusement park is all I've ever wanted. But when I got there, I was just a little too short to go on the rides. So I took some extra soft fluffy brand toilet paper and slipped it in my shoes. It wasn't just me. We all noticed it. Amy just wasn't acting like herself. I thought maybe it would just go away but it didn't. Finally she got the help she needed. I see you still have that cold. I thought those cold pills of yours were supposed to work. Why not try something that actually does. Arden's has created a delicious new ice cream bar called Decadence Premium ice cream. Layers of chocolate and caramel and a crispy cookie outer shell. Hi, I'm Nicole Dama. Thanks for listening.