Micro Goals Excerpt

Profile photo for Yesmine Chambliss
Not Yet Rated


This is script I found on Edge Studio and some music I found on a YouTube channel dedicated to unlicensed background music for VoiceOver.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
micro goals are short term, clear cut objectives accomplished on a daily basis. Thes tasks are able to bridge the gap between an individual and successful productivity. If the main goal is to lose weight, for example, just lose weight is too abstract and obscure to be an effective goal. To strive to reach it may even prove to be de motivating for the individual, leaving them feeling like a failure. But how much weight does this person want to lose? How will they do this? It is important to have both specific primary and micro goals. Here's a good example of both. Let's say this person's primary goal is to lose 6 kg in three months. The definitive steps that a person must undertake to do so are their micro goals. Thus, this person's micro goals are to run one kilometer every day while maintaining a daily diet of 1000 calories per meal.