Video Game Demo



Please see examples of my video game work on my website.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Japanese Mandarin North American (General) Standard Mandarin Chinese


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
sorry. The surface didn't work out, Miss Swaps. But are you sure you know how to charm a snake? Oh, I guess not. This ancient could lay waste to the world as quickly as it begun attended. If it doesn't keep you warm, at least a fair will take your mind off the cold. Your anger and your desire for revenge Pale next to mine. That's why I created Miss Kerry's terrifying train set theory only hobby where fear and fright wait at every turn. Oh, Beverly Hills, where do we start? Look at these polka dot bikinis and matching so wrong. There's nothing to see A great good I can be your leader but only if you're willing to follow me You follow me a man's heart through the stomach but I go through Don't leave King. I've got a song for you Way Remember