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A group of co-workers sit and share a laugh together in a meeting.
Voice Acting
The Relationship Between Trust, Creativity and Improv

Build team trust, and you will build incredible characters and storylines too. How to use improv to improve your team creativity - read here.

A woman types on a blue typewriter
Voice Acting
Bobette Buster on The Art of Storytelling

She's a storytelling guru with the chops and the cred to back it up. Bobette Buster shares her insights on what makes masterful storytelling.

Little girl with a cape on stands at the top of a building with the wind in her hair
Voice Acting
Finding Voice Acting Success Against the Odds

David J. Goldfarb has worked for Disney and Nintendo, to name a few. How this award winning voice actor turned hearing loss into success.

An artist's sketch of a office with a staircase in blue and grey
Voice Acting
There is an Exciting Movement Happening in the World...

The form of our workplace is undergoing an evolution - it's becoming much more 'human,' again. Learn more on Herman Miller's Living Office.

Photo for Podcast Editing
Digital Audio Mastering for Your Podcast

When it comes to mastering your podcast, there are a few terms (and tips!) to be aware of. Learn more about digital audio mastering podcasts.

Voice Acting
Want to Create Sound? Check out some Foley in Zootopia!

Have you ever tried to recreate sound? Foley is the art of sound design with everyday object and it's harder than it looks. Learn about Foley in Zootopia.

A business man choosing his voice
Voice Acting
Find the Right VO Delivery for Any Script, Every Time

Voice Actor and coach Tommy Griffiths shares his full-proof plan for delivering the best audition to book voice over jobs.

YouTube ads skipped
3 Reasons Why Your Ads Get Skipped on YouTube

How do commercial producers get people to watch their entire YouTube ad? What stops users from skipping ads on YouTube? Hear from YouTubers for quick tips.

Man at a mixing board
Mixing Your Podcast

Mixing your podcast is a crucial step in ensuring that you're producing a quality show. Learn more about mixing terms and techniques now.

Transformers Age of Extinction
Voice Acting
Who Are the Voices in Transformers: Age of Extinction?

Wondering who the voice actors are in Transformers Age of Extinction? Look no further. Here is the list of who voices the characters.

Monsters University
Voice Acting
Who are the Voice Actors in Monsters Inc. and Monsters...

Wondering who the voice actors are in the Monsters Inc? Here is the list of who voices the characters in the cast.

Common Storylines in Animated Films

How do stories bind us together, and reach a broader audience? There are many new animated films following a specific plot layout to do just that.

Showing 157-168 of 177 Articles