Animation: Authentic, Animated, Energetic, Engaging, Quirky, Fun



Kai Skrotzki Animation Voice Demo - Authentic, Animated, Energetic, Storyteller, Quirky, Fun, Super Hero, Young Hero, Villain, Salesman, Radio DJ, Old Man, Humorous, Engaging

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General) North American (US New York, New Jersey, Bronx, Brooklyn)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I don't think I can fully express to you my dissatisfaction here. Have you ever just bitten into something expecting it to be soft and delicious and instead you feel the munch crunch of disappointment. It's not pleasant. No, it doesn't stop using your fancy boogie words, trying to entice me and my supple frame and pardon my french, but I don't want to get in my dairy air *******, you've saved nothing. No powers are inconsequential next to mine, Powers given to me by a god. And I am here to deliver his message. And will they say a peculiar mist descends upon the town every evening and mysterious ghoulish shapes can be seen in the mist itself. Probably just superstition. Of course. Look, I know we said we're just sparring here, but I'm still trying to freakin this suit. So if one of us gets super hurt or anything, that's, that's my bad. But you and I both know that with all the social media people logging their lives on the me tubes and ship the powers that be, have easy access to everything nowadays. I mean, come on, I wasn't born yesterday. Ah my dear dour and disgustingly decadent fellow welcome to our recently established newly opened Evil Emporium. Are you looking for something to show that special? Someone? Just how much you hate them