
Profile photo for Kim Somers
Acheivement Badges Top Talent


Female voice, age 30-60, perfect North American neutral English. 30 years of experience. Native of Canada and continual upgrading of skills with professional coaches. Excellent at e-learning, narration, commercials, voicemail, on hold, and more.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
It can be a little unnerve ing when you first start looking for a business loan. That's why we're providing you with these three tips that will make the entire process easier. One of the biggest difficulties that people run into when applying for a business loan is not understanding what they need. Before you ever even fill out the application, have a firm idea of how much money you need in order to do what is necessary for your business. No, there are some exclusions to the kind of mental health counseling that's part of the investigative process. For example, premarital counseling or counseling for post traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD. Read the form carefully toe. Understand what kind of counseling needs to be disclosed, and in fact, the government considers it a positive step to seek mental health counseling when needed. Nutrition is turning into a nightmare for many people, hormones have never been so badly out of balance. Cancer will soon effect half of the global population. As a result, we're losing 75% of our hormones between the ages of 35 50. That includes the hormone progesterone, which is a natural diuretic important for weight loss. Progesterone also kills and large door mutated estrogen cells so it prevents cancer. You can continue down the rapid aging path, or you can give yourself the chance to live a longer and better life.