Business- Giving Gala Event for The Real Estate Council Foundation

Profile photo for Michelle Sundholm
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Video Narration


Michelle Sundholm knows how to get to the core of the message and it shows in her delivery of \"Give\" for the Real Estate Council Foundation. She doesn't \"read\" the words, instead, she allows them to take flight and bring the script to life in a way that is authentic and true.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
way, do what we do. Why each year do we give more than 3500 hours of her time along with our financial support to this organization? Why do we invest in projects that improve education, provide affordable housing, create jobs and protect the environment? Way? Do what we do because it matters because it's important because it's deep in our hearts. Give it's in our DNA. Our hands on approach to getting back is why funders, large and small corporations, foundations and individuals look to the Real Estate Council Foundation to provide an impactful way to give the joy of giving is contagious way. Do what we dio because we get so much out of giving, what will you give?