Video Game / Interactive Demo



Characters for video games, computer games, apps, etc.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
So here I am alone. But I got plenty of weapons, some water and four days worth of food. Let's go find out what happens next. Listen, you idiot! You can't give up on me now. I won't let you breathing. Keep breathing! Keep breathing! Van Atos took sector A last night. If we move in from here Sector, See, we have a chance. Are you with me? Stop being a freakin baby! We're going around this corner, you chickenshit! Whether you like it or not. What are you waiting for? Move! I just wanted to live a quiet life without getting I'm enjoying how weak you become and how helpless you are to change things back to normal. How did it feel when I absorbed all your power? This is the new normal. Get used to it. Gather round and listen. We must ensure all of us return safely to the realm. That means we use our minds. We use our hands. But more than anything we use our hearts