


Within this audio you can discern a clear, concise, smooth, articulate, friendly, informative, helpful turn of phrase that would easily aid in navigating any on-hold, IVR, or prompting system, or company-wide telephone or voice mail directory.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Mid-Atlantic)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the next important components are the soundboard and bridge. The soundboard is made of slow grown Sitka spruce cut from the northwest. In Alaska. It has wonderfully close grains, and the logs are quarter sawn so that the green one straight down the length of the board. Nothing else comes even close to the acoustical qualities of this wood. On the second floor of the Horse Palace, there are additional stables that were also used in the exhibition. Despite the fact that these stalls have been empty for many years, the sound of horses can still be heard. The great choreographer George Balanchine was also a creator of dancers. When he began making ballets in Russia at the age of 16. He started to change the way that dancers moved six American ballerinas whose career spanned over 40 years of Balanchine's life. Remember what it was like to dance for the man called Mr Be? Training in a virtual classroom eliminates the body language cues that we take for granted in face to face sessions. You, as a facilitator aren't aware of the subtle nuances, letting you know when users or disengaged, whether they're texting, sending emails or just drifting off to sleep. Each time the monster was created, Boris Karloff had to sit in the makeup chair for three and 1/2 hours. Heavy bolts were placed on the side of his neck and held there by means of layers and layers of cotton. And he's of liquids. Karloff still carried too little scars on his neck, where those bolts were fastened until his dying day.