LeapStart 3D by LeapFrog video



Educational video featured on the LeapFrog website

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (South West - Texas) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Mid-Atlantic)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
build confidence while encouraging a love of reading. Would the learn to read Volume One activity book set read six engaging stories with interactive pages that builds early reading skills, including long and short vowels with 20 plus skills and 35 plus re playable activities. Play again and again for endless discovery. Touch individual words to read the story word by word, a man in tan or touch the book icon to read the entire page. The man in Tan had a bag. Say it sounded. Spell it. Tools on every story page. Provide extra reading help by decoding words, sound by sound and letter by letter. Say it. Touch a word. Teoh Hear it spoken, Flipped sounded Touch a letter. Teoh Here it sounds old. Spell it. Touch a letter to hear its name L E. T. Each book focuses on different, short or long vowel sounds. Play the words in this story spread to get familiar with the words and sounds you'll find in the story. Ice ice is a word with a long I sound. Can you find the word ice on page seven? Ice as you explore your friend Auggie will show you the meaning of new words trying to find where Augie's hiding throughout each story by touching the words hope he pokes a balloon at the end of each story. Answer questions to see how well you remember what happened. Find a picture that shows how case team felt when they won the game. Fantastic. Kate's team celebrated when they won the game. There are also many activities where you can practice reading skills and test your phonics knowledge. Touch a spaceship to start taking a word. Now select a planet to make the word dog. Oh, you made the word dog great. Make learning a magical experience with Leap Star three D, and it's leveled library on Lee from Leapfrog.