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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
In Orange County, crime has skyrocketed 18% Rape is up 25%. Homelessness is and every community and gun violence happens in schools too often. Last year, Republicans in Congress voted to cut taxes for corporations and the super rich meet insider rigs. A cone. Ciccone supported the biggest tax increase in Pennsylvania history. A shady deal, an illegal apartment. Rats and Roaches. Firetrap the owner, Congressman Eliot Engel. He dodged inspectors for years. Keep the promise. One is responsible for the content of this advertising. There are moments in life that you wish you could have back because of the mistakes you've made. But you know it doesn't define you. Jon Tester does a lot of complaining about dark money. But what he doesn't tell you is he does everything he can to help them help him.