E-Learning Demo

Profile photo for Phe Caplan
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Various E-Learning excerpts

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
in this module, you'll learn how our bodies synthesize proteins, carbohydrates and fats and how to calculate the amounts you need for optimal performance. After each chapter, you'll be presented with the quiz to help make sure you fully understand the material before moving on. Each slide builds on the next, so stopping to check in and evaluate your comprehension is a good idea. You can always replay the slide. If there's ever something you don't understand the first time around, it doesn't matter if you're a new pool owner or an old hand shocking, your swimming pool might seem a little scary. That's okay. Handling such a high volume of chemicals can make anyone feel jittery. It gets easier with practice and knowledge. Once you understand what pull shock is why it's important and the proper steps to it. The whole process will start to feel pretty routine. That's good, because shocking your pool on a regular basis is a simple way to prevent stray algae and bacteria from taking root in your water. It also helps keep your pool smelling well, Hopefully like nothing at all. The auto clave is the primary instrument used for sterilizing medical instruments in preparation for surgery. However, there are a few steps you need to do prior to placing the instrument into the autoclave. The first step is simply cleaning the instrument when cleaning your instruments manually, where heavy duty rubber gloves, a plastic apron, I protection and a mask. Welcome to Rice Star. We're glad to have you on board. We aim to create a team of energized and talented professionals who are focused on being part of the Rice star community. We're positioned to change the way people shop for their food, being the most ecological and environmentally supportive provider out there, and it all starts with you.