Gabe Smith Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Gabriel Smith
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


Warm and helpful, painfully shy nerd, compassionate man, tough guy

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
So before you start seeding and mowing, visit the neighborhood hardware store that's been helping folks for over half a century. Westlake Ace Hardware, Small projects big know how. Ask away. When you sponsor a child, you help provide a family and a community with things like goats and chickens, life saving medicine, clean water and new schools and, most importantly, a future. If you're gonna bring the artichoke dip, bring the friggin artichoke dip. One of a kind, creamy blend of sweet and tangy Miracle whip and proud of it. Oh, I get it. You're using Morse code because you're busy chewing juicy fruit. Cool. Listen, did do you want to go out Saturday night? Justin? No. Would have been fine. So be sure you get your free chance to win. We encourage you to drop everything you're doing and go to your nearest Colorado lottery retailer Now. Seriously, if your work take a doctors appointment, if you're heading to work, take a flat tire is already fixing a flat tire drive on the rim. I heard it's okay if you do that