Commercial Radio and Television

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Friendly and professional

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Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
When you choose Florida Blue for a health plan, you get a community of care looking after your health and financial well being. That's something different. Mark your calendars for the radical annual sidewalk sale at Cardinals SportsCenter. Thursday, July 11th through Sunday, July 14th. Never judge a book by its cover. All people have their story either good or bad, but it is their story We all have. Opportunities were slow to realise Which of them is the right one? What does it mean to live well? Is it the result of some perfectly executed plan? Or is the journey to well being unique to each of us, a path we alone can define? At core homes, we create inviting living spaces that radiate personality from the inside out. But what's a beautiful interior without an exterior that turns heads? The HP elite Dragonflies is more than a laptop. It's stunning design combined with power that packs a punch. It's a conversation starter and gives you a new level of freedom. When you're on the go