Dramatic Read-Storytelling



I play a husband that has just been told that his wife has terminal cancer. Emotions, stutters, breaths, voice breaks, pauses were all kept in as to not remove authenticity from the believable character.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I was blindsided by the unexpected words I heard from my wife's lips when when my phone rang after her doctor's appointment, I'll never forget the day I received the devastating phone call. I was sitting in my car, speechless. It almost paralyzed me. My stomach was full of knots, racing thoughts about how I could ever live my life without her. After they told her she only had a 12% chance of living five years or longer, all she could think about was not being able to see her grandchildren grow up. After just a few short weeks of her body being pumped with chemo and radiation drugs, Karen self esteem and confidence plummeted, and her body and metabolism were severely damaged. I felt hopeless because no matter how much I loved her, no matter how much I showered her with gifts, no matter how much affection I showed her, she still felt unattractive, unloved, insecure, vulnerable, alone