How does Voices ensure that a client is legitimate?

Evaluating Clients

Voices is a voice-over marketplace, we provide a place where those seeking the services of voice-over professionals can search, contact and hire in one convenient location.
In an effort to protect those who have chosen to list their services at Voices we take precautions when it comes to Public job postings. All publicly submitted voice-over requests are reviewed by a live person during our standard business hours. During the review process we conduct an online search of the poster. If information cannot be obtained online we follow up with the client to obtain the required information. 
When it comes to privately posted jobs Voices does not conduct any investigation as the projects are automatically approved. It will be up to individual talent to conduct their own investigations prior to entering into a job agreement.
We cannot guarantee that each and every client is going to hire someone from Voices but we attempt to ensure that the client is legitimate business-wise.
As an independent freelancer you should also take measures to protect yourself and your work when engaging in communications with contacts obtained through your Voices membership.

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Article Number
First Published
05/04/2021 10:56
Last Modified
05/04/2021 10:56
Career Advice (Talent)
Public Knowledge Base

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