Nonfiction Audiobook



Knowledgeable, informative, educational nonfiction read

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US New England - Boston, Providence) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I want you to tap into that God given faith, visualization, tool of yours. Again, your imagination. Remember, get a picture in your mind of something you are believing God to manifest in your life. I'm picturing my son. M J confidently standing up in front of his fourth grade class. I'm picturing my son. M J confidently standing up in front of his fourth grade class to give a presentation that he completed all by himself. What do you see? What do you hear? What prayer has God answered in the future you envision now as you exercise your imagination and faith, I want you to say something positive about it as if you were really there in that moment watching it happen. That's right. I want you to say actual words. Don't worry about the girl sitting at the coffee shop table next to you. Sure. She might think you're a little crazy, but just hold the book up so she can see the cover. She'll realize you're just full of crazy faith. Go ahead and get that image in your mind. Imagine that the multiple obstacles that once stood in the way of this mountain, you were facing have all suddenly and miraculously been removed. Take a deep breath and receive that reality. Let it sink in. How do you feel? Say so out loud? Take all the time. You need to freely express your gratitude to the God who already made it happen. Are you back yet? If not, I'll wait. I want you to soak up the full experience of that powerful moment because it's building momentum for your next step of faith. For me, this exercise has proven to be so important that ironically, it's hard for me to put into words, stating out loud what God is doing and promises to do allows me to see my life and issues from his perspective. It reminds me to praise our omnipotent God in advance for the miracle he has yet to bring to pass and encourages my faith to trust that he actually will make it happen. For me. Too many Christians think faith filled thoughts once in a while, but don't put their weight on it by making faith filled declarations, thinking about faith isn't enough. You've got to speak the language of faith. Romans 10 9 shows us the three steps to receiving the free gift of salvation. Christ sacrificed his life to give us. It's as simple as ABC, accept him as Lord over your life, believe that he died for your sin and was resurrected and confess that you are a sinner in need of a savior. The third step is just as essential as the first two. But confession is not something you think it's something you say.