

Various characters

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Ah, you must be Hazel's granddaughter. It sure is great to meet you. I'm Parker. Lena's husband. She asked me to stop by your farm in a day or two and show you around. You'll wanna know where Lena's general store is. It's hard to run a farm without it. I'll be by before you know it to point it out to you. It's me, Parker again. I stopped by just like I promised. How are you settling in? I am getting there. I hear you. I moved here from the city myself 10 years ago. Oh. How long did it take you to feel comfortable here? I'll let you know, I'm going to look for the body. You can't be serious. His brother is so broken. No twin should have to go through this, seeing their brother like that. I keep thinking of him out there in the forest. Not alive, not dead, not resting in peace. Just wandering. Don't get yourself killed for nothing. That walker out there isn't human and, and you know it, I've got to set things right, mama, you do the right thing by staying alive and helping where you can. All I do is follow. You're damn right. And it's why you're still alive and for what, just to watch everyone else dial in. No, I couldn't help him. I was right there and he still died. But I could do this.