Storytelling With Real Person Feel



Adam Vernier reads this story from 1st person point of view.

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North American (General)


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Hey there, my name is Adam Bernier, I've been where you are. Your decision to buy. The abundant broker system is a life changing investment in yourself. How do I know? 30 years ago I was faced with a similar decision. I wanted to change my life. I wasn't living up to my full potential and I knew if I stayed where I was, my income opportunities and future prospects were limited. I had to make a choice to settle for the cards I had been dealt or to make a big change. It was not an easy decision, but as you can probably guess, I decided I could alter my path and become the person mentor and business leader. I had envisioned like you, I knew deep inside that come **** or high water I was capable of achieving more. I knew I didn't want to casually bounce through life with no plan. I believed I was destined to build a successful business that would create wealth for my family and others. All I needed was an opportunity and if I was willing to put in the work, I could grow it into something significant. My beginnings were humble from childhood, it seemed the odds of becoming a successful businessman were stacked against me. I had no pedigree, no financial resources, no inherited connections. I was the 4th of six kids in a family whose financial resources was scarce. My dad was a steel fabricator without a college degree. He was in and out of work, which meant that our family moved to where he could get jobs. As a result, I attended 10 different schools. My mom made just about everything we ate except for oatmeal and eggs. For breakfast she ground the wheat and made the bread for our sandwiches. We took the school, my siblings and I took our lunches in brown paper sacks and carefully folded those sacks and put them in our pockets to take home to reuse the next day, dinner came mostly out of the garden and in winter we ate what mom had canned earlier in the year. It was not an easy, you're sheltered childhood. But looking back, I'm grateful for how these early experiences shaped the character and work ethic I have today at 19 I experienced a series of setbacks. I lost a football scholarship, dropped out of college and went to work on the kill floor of a meat packing plant. Two years later I was passed over for the floor forming position. At this point I reevaluated my career path and decided to go back to school. On a whim, I picked up a book on how to buy real estate with no money down it opened my mind to the financial benefits of owning real estate. I bought my first property at age 21 with zero down payment And got a check at closing for $16.32. I thought to myself, this real estate business is easy. Oh, how little I knew back then. What I did know was that I enjoyed the real estate process and wanted to learn how I could invest on a bigger scale. I remember having a deep desire to achieve financial abundance and to give back some day in 1987 I passed the test for my real estate license and later graduated from University of Utah with an emphasis in real estate investment and appraisal. During my career as a broker, I have experienced just about every stage of success and failure. I've worked at four top global commercial real estate companies and held leadership positions in almost every major CRE organization. I started as an apprentice like many of you listening to this book, and went on to become the top broker in my state. For several consecutive years, I became an individual broker, then built and trained a 10 person team.