Animation Demo

Profile photo for Albert Pero
Not Yet Rated


All original Characters for animation!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) North American (General) North American (US New York, New Jersey, Bronx, Brooklyn) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Mhm dear. Soldiers after I sent you into battle, I was all like holy they're all definitely going to die out there. Okay. Oh boy. You know what we're not gonna read mail. We don't have time to write them back anyway. Come on now mamacita Ricky. Buy you a drink to taste and now it's time for Ricky to get a taste. Oh I you know mama meg? Uh I that's a good hook. Welcome to my playground officers. No need to rattle those chains. You see there were those who dwelt in darkness and in the shadow of death prisoners in misery and chains. Okay, excuse me everyone, I can't talk over you. I'm just a scientist. Okay. The data seems to suggest that we have four minutes before the sun plummets directly into the earth. Wait, that's not right. Oh sorry it's four seconds. Four seconds. Yes. Hello? Who's there, jesus christ. I heard it the first time on my way. Well well well aren't you all running a bit behind today? That is your backup squad. Damn. Don't you hate it when your friends are late to the party. Turn on the crystal radar headset now? Good hustle. I see we have a clear connection. Heart rate is normal but you're a little dehydrated other than that. Your vitals look good. Now in order to enter the control room you have to get past this security door. Hello there john nice to meet you finally in person Now. I can see by your face you're thinking wow and I'm here to tell you. Yes, you can believe your eyes now. What do you say? We kick this small talk aside and get to that strawberries and whipped cream. I have laid out on the bed quadrant 760. We are making our way to the battleground. Eyes on the horizon. Turn that thing off peter's. What are you trying to do? Get us all killed. Oh, jesus christ, peters! Put your glasses back on. Those. Aren't even prescription goggles. God, you shot me, you idiot! This is Albert. Pirro. Thanks for listening.