Variety of UK Accents, Commercial, Narration, Technical Language.

Profile photo for Alistair Blackburn
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Pharma, Commercials, Technical Narration, Northern Irish Accent, North U K Accent, Technical Language, Narration, Soft, Harsh.

Vocal Characteristics




British (England - Liverpool, Manchester, Lancashire, Cheshire) British (General) Irish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi, thanks for taking time to listen to my voices demo. I hope you enjoy flow zone is an augmented reality app that is changing the way people work remotely. Here's how it works. First install the app and connect it with your V R headset, open flow zone and your physical surroundings will instantly be transformed into a workspace that will help you focus when you need to connect with your colleagues and blur out the distractions of home toggle between calming and other worldly landscapes to suit your desired preferences, send files to your colleagues hunker down for a focused productivity period or take a second to restore your mind. Pharma beam me capsule is recommended for adults over 18 years of age who are suffering from Adena virus infections. If you have chronic conditions, the beam me capsule may not be suitable for you, consult your physician. For more details. Pharma bey capsule is recommended for adults over 18 years of age who are suffering from Adena virus infections. If you have chronic conditions, the bey capsule may not be suitable for you, contact your physician. For more details. Pharma me bey capsules recommended for adults over 18 years of age who were suffering from Adena virus infections. If you have chronic conditions, the beam me capsule may not be suitable for you. Consult your physician. For more details. Thanks for listening to my voices. Demo.