Explaner Video

Profile photo for Alena Acker
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Video Narration


Explainer video for an AI-powered financial services product

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Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
today, advances in artificial intelligence are transforming industries ranging from healthcare to e commerce to manufacturing. Financial services. Industry is the next to benefit from the promise of ai The bulk of the world's wealth is still invested and tracked the old way using outdated technology and manual processes. This leads to several problems, all of which Einstein overcomes and solves inefficiency and underperformance for professional investors, high fees, lack of transparency and anxiety for clients and missed opportunities for advisors to build better relationships with the clients they serve. Disempowerment for retail investors, poorly informed decisions and increased risk for corporations overpriced four oh one K s for employees. Einstein is the world's first robo analyst developed out of M I. T. For next generation wealth management powered by artificial intelligence cubes. Show the AI portfolio with at a glance, insights into the most important opportunities and risks. You can drill down to see the specific factors that are affecting performance or increasing risk at every level First Einstein establishes a robust data foundation. Next advanced algorithms, unified data and find patterns and connections, always learning and adapting. Einstein even creates analytics at the industry and sector levels. So you can see comparisons in full context. AI is the last step adding a predictive dimension. Einstein makes work simple and enhances performance and collaboration for investors, provides advisors with new opportunities to build their client's confidence and trust delivers insights and intelligence to retail investors, supports superior decision making and risk management for corporations, creates dramatic 401k savings for employees. Einstein is the next generation AI solution for everyone. Einstein smart portfolios for all to learn more, go to www. Dot Einstein ai dot com. Mhm.