English Narration Sample Demo



A sample of narration projects Serra has voices in English.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Genghis Khan set out on an even more ambitious quest. The conquest of China. The Chinese fought back fiercely but were overcome by Genghis Khan strategy, specifically his use of archers on horseback. For tens of thousands of years, flowers have provided honey to insects, which in turn pollinate the flowers. That is how they've evolved. First, you'll need to be enrolled in online banking. If you're not, enroll at bank of America dot com. If you're already enrolled, sign in, then select the bill. Pay tap. Next, click the Reminders Tab in the upper left hand corner of the screen, then use the drop down menu to select a pay We're about to pass under the Memorial Bridge. As we emerge, you'll see the magnificent Lincoln Memorial with the Watergate steps leading up to it. These steps were envisioned as a dramatic entrance into the city for dignitaries arriving by boats. Since the dawn of his art career, Catalan has drawn from images and situations found in reality, open to interpretation and contradictions. His work claims that doubt is the central element of the contemporary existential condition. Steven Spielberg is the undisputed king of Hollywood. His works find critics and the public agreeing there not only box office successes but also reconcile commitment, entertainment and a search for new film languages.