Commercial Demo

Video Narration


Dynamic Range: Conversational - natural - approachable – authentic – knowledgeable – informative - friendly - bright – fun.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
metallic loud and wild. If you want to light up the cub with a whole new look, get beyond graphic hair color. Have you ever tasted heaven made of the finest Belgian chocolate heaven? Chocolates are rich and creamy with that sweet, delicious flavor you love. If you told me I would take up tight T when I was 50 Idol said You were crazy. It's late, you're hungry. The grocery store is closed and so are all the restaurants. What do you dio? Easy. You drive to your local quick and easy market. Young people matter, too. So this year get out of vote. Let your voice be heard. Try a bit of this patch, Maud. Lovely, isn't it? Locating the sweetest grasses to two is a job reserved for gourmet cows. Consuming gourmet cow yogurts is yours. Thank you for listening. I'm LaTanya Harrison.