General English American Voice Demo

Profile photo for Amit Gidda
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Hello! Here are three examples detailing an emotional, commerical, and gentle voiceover examples. Thank you.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello. I'm James. I'm excited to work with you and I hope you enjoy my voice over demos, cheers. Sometimes change can be a good thing to better ourselves for the future. We can make important decisions right now. If you find yourself afraid or uncertain, give yourself a second chance today. A message from Second Society, a foundation for those facing domestic violence. Winter is here and we're ready for you to enjoy are fresh champagne powder. Season passes for Crystal Hill Ski Resort are now open early. Birds get 10% off this week until november 1st. See you on the Hill Crystal Hill dot com. Hello, welcome back to the Picture Perfect Adobe training channel. In this video, I'm going to show you how to smooth skin in Photoshop. You're going to learn powerful skin softening techniques. Both of these techniques are nondestructive, which means you'll be able to come back and make minor adjustments to your edits at any time. Most importantly, these methods will leave skin texture intact, giving you beauty.