Angsty Teenage Girl

Profile photo for Aisha Newton
Not Yet Rated


Teenage girl expressing her disappointment and disgust, with the way her older sister treats her.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Why do you have to be such a loser to me all the time? You literally treat me like dirt. It's like we're not even sisters. You never wanna hang out. And you're always so mean to me. Especially when you're with your friends. God forbid, I'm even in the same room with you and your friends. Stopover. You always tell me to leave. I mean, it's like my house to, And I don't have to go into another room just because you say so. I mean, like, so what? You're older than me. That doesn't make you the boss of me. I mean, you're, like, never there for me, Not even as a friend, let alone a sister. I mean, God is seriously. You don't even know who I am. And we live together. It is so pathetic. I hope that one day you stop trying to be so friggin cool and start treating me like someone you actually care about in your life. Nothing would be cooler and more important to me than that, just so you know. Okay,