Story, Feature, Documentary & Commercial Narration

Profile photo for Anil Sankar
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


This demo was produced by industry veteran Mike Kirby at Eggplant Studios in Toronto.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Voice works. Hi there. I'm an, just about every summer since the age of 10, I've gone on a canoe trip those few years. I didn't, I felt empty out of sorts. I was missing something essential. Life was incomplete. A canoe trip is a deeply spiritual experience. An opportunity to leave behind cell phones, politics, shooting, and everything else that weighs on our two busy lives. We turn off the noise and listen to our hearts. Feel the soft breezes in the pines. Hear the magical stillness of the planet commune with the spheres in this revealing and immersive series. Bollywood takes us inside Hollywood's longest, bitterest and most explosive feuds. Remember Drake versus Chris Brown, who could forget Kanye and Taylor Swift with an engaging mix of dramatic recreation, incisive testimony from those in the know, bold graphics and punchy voiceover. This Juicy series will dish up all the shocking details of the most public celebrity beefs.