

Children's audiobooks I have narrated for ACX.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Child (5-12)


British (General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Petra looked up and saw the master standing directly in front of them. His name was Duncan and he was a horse not to be crossed. His stern black eyes looked down upon his herd as his coal black coat glistened in the sun order tarp in horses order. Duncan's voice boomed across the plains and everyone was silenced. Little Albert had always wanted to join a fox scout camp, but somehow he always missed the opportunity to join one. It was monday morning and dad came to Albert. Albert pick up your bags because tomorrow you're going to camp and little Albert was all excited. Thank you Dad. The next morning he woke up early and dad dropped him at the camp. Albert was dressed up in the fox scout uniform and was ready to have an awesome summer. From the beginning of time, elephants have been around, elephants are the largest land mammals on earth elephants travel in groups called a herd or a parade every five years in temples village, the leaders pick a new herd leader this year, despite how the other elephants treated him for being different, Timbo decided to compete for herd leader in a small town in Arkansas lived a very special family, the Harleys, they were a typical family every day, the Children went to school and their mother went to work. Sam was a responsible mother. She loved to take care of her Children, help them with their homework and read them their favorite stories. The three of them were the most important things in the world to her.