Latest commercials demo :60 Sec

Profile photo for ANTHONY LOVATO
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


This is a sample of the latest commercials I've done that have been on the radio.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
All right, Mac. We got her out. Tuned up. Purring like a kitten are also sit with new brake pads all around to reduce your disk wear and tear. GI Joe that win something. You think Shamrock plumbing would back down? No. We are going even bigger. Called General 1505 Got married a bit young and joined the military to make ends meet. Discovered he loved to cook. Opened a restaurant. Was running his own business. Just didn't understand a watch Black Friday Never looked as good as it doesn't plus a cycle this Yamaha 50 cc motorcycles at 25 bucks a month. Oh, yeah, watch juniors as you were done with the colonoscopy and everything looks normal, G doc, that stand e so good Give you 19 reasons to drive the window But you only need to know it's rain boots with a kick The Pi pizzeria voted Utah's best pizza