ELearning Demo

Profile photo for Stacey Patrone
Acheivement Badges Rising Star


I have recorded a large number of elearning and business training programs for a many different companies, from straightforward and professional sounding, to more casual.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the offset challenge. This challenge tests a driver's ability toe watch all four corners of the truck to see that barricades do not get scraped or bumped. For this obstacle, you will need four barricades each 10 feet long. Proper set up for the course includes placing the barricades in sets off center from each other so that the withs between the two sets are equal to the length of the vehicle. Each truck type will be different in total length, requiring multiple barricades settings. One barricade in each set is in line with the other. The with between barricades in the same set is 11 feet for all vehicles. To successfully complete this challenge, the drivers required to maneuver the vehicle between one set of barricades turned sharply and go between a second set of barricades. This needs to occur in a continuous movement without stops or repositioning the vehicle for specific set up in scoring guidelines. Refer to your manual