Demo: Yankees 2021 Starting Rotation?



Sports, especially baseball, is something I can talk about for a long while whether there's a script in front of me or not. This demo demonstrates not just quality of voice and equipment, but gives insight into who I am and how I get when talking about something I'm really interested in.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
now, as far as the New York Yankees rotation goes, and you know we have to talk about this because it's all fans ever want to talk about. Yes, they have Garrett Cole. Yes, Coal carried the staff on his back. That's what you pay a guy 35 plus million dollars a year for. But who do they have behind him right now? Strictly in house, They have David Garcia, Jordan Montgomery, Michael King, Domingo Herman and Jonathan Lewis ago. And then maybe in June July, they'll get back. Louise Savary. No, it's It's hard to tell because he's still coming back from Tommy John surgery. None of those guys not named Sovereign Oh are real Number two starters, at least not yet. I think they re signed Masahiro Tanaka, and I really hope they do. And then from there there are a few ways that you could go. I think, unless they sign someone else, they probably put her Mona's number three until Submarino comes back. And then they let Montgomery, Garcia, King and Luis Vega fight for the remaining spots. And out of all of those guys, I say they probably give the other spots. The Montgomery Inn. Garcia. I think King goes back to the minors for a little more grooming, and I think the bicycle stays in the bullpen. And again, this is all assuming the Yanks don't sign anyone else, They might find someone smaller market to sign. But I am going to tell you all right now. No, they will not sign Trevor Bauer. It's not gonna happen. Get that out of your head. Now stop spamming that name on social media pages saying they should sell Giancarlo Stanton and signed Bauer. No, it won't happen. Stop!