Fantasy Audiobook Demo - Dialogue

Profile photo for Austin Vanfleet
Not Yet Rated


A sample of narration from a fantasy audiobook, mainly focusing on characters and dialogue. Also found in my 2021 Audiobook Narration Demo.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
when she's finished, the man nods again. So how do you make the guards not see you? Beer takes a breath. Sedona took the storyteller and then they took her storytellers are a precious commodity with their powers and she won't fall into this man's control. Won't let him know what she can do magic, she says, because it's not a lie illusions. Mm. So it's over then. No, she says, because it's a very very stupid idea to lie to this man. Going to elaborate. No, it doesn't respond. Be a fields of breath quicken. She can't give him a reason to kill her even now that he's fed her. But there's only one other person like me and he's not here. She would know if the storyteller was here. She would.