Aric Zair Documentary Narration Demo

Profile photo for Aric Zair
Not Yet Rated


A variety of narration clips; informative, historical, and intriguing. Sounds from Zapsplat, music produced by me and/or from Bensound & Pixabay.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Unfortunately, malfunctions arose and adjustments to the ride were needed, delaying the ride's opening. By several months, Arrow lost millions on the project. They were forced into bankruptcy a month before X officially opened to the public on january 12th 2002. Always lurking, always watching the thieving hyenas descend upon a bravo with his fresh kill and only moments later, when Anderson passes out, look what shepherds clutching their a bullet wound in his own left abdomen where he was never shot. The Weimaraner possesses traits such as speed, great sense of smell, courage and intelligence. The breed is sometimes referred to as the gray ghost of the dog world, originating from its ghostly cotton eye color. Toronto's first mayor, William Lyon Mackenzie persisted in his efforts to reform Upper Canada, culminating in his organization of a rebellion in 18 37.