ChatGPT - Conversational Explainer

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for you to survive a chat gp t data leak. you need the following items. one, a device capable of connecting to the internet, two, a stable internet connection, three, a history of interacting with the internet. by that, i don't mean your browsing history. although that has probably been scraped to train chat gp t as well. let's focus on your interactions with chat gp t specifically because those have been used to train chat bots for sure and they can leak your precious data. four data leak, chat gpt can leak data in different ways since the information that is used to train it instantly becomes a part of its spaghetti code of a brain. anything entered into this chat window is as good as leaked. that's why samsung got so freaked out when its workers gave chat gpt a bunch of sensitive information including company documents and the actual source code. after that story got out companies and politicians started banning chat gpt left. and right now you see why this might be a of a pickle for you five a way to remove your data from chat gp t. so yeah, about that spaghetti brain training a i is a difficult and fascinating process. when big a is like chat gp, t learn. they don't store their knowledge in neat little drawers in a warehouse. they find patterns in the data. remember those and reproduce whatever you want based on those patterns. and finding a particular bit of data from such a model is as easy as finding one particular candy a week after you ate it, digested it and released whatever's left of it into the wild, which is why open a i didn't scramble to scrub chat gp t of the data that once belonged to samsung, jp, morgan amazon or any of the companies that may have leaked something this way, that data was already digested and not up for removal. that is until open a i met gdpr. it's the e u's big privacy obsessed brother. it protects every european by bombarding them with cookie pop ups and occasionally making big tech with billion sized finds. it also says that every european has a right to delete their data from anywhere anyhow and any time and open a i had to comply with its demands or get kicked out of europe. so if you're a citizen of europe, just go to open a i's web page, fill out this form and your data will be quickly and easily removed from chat gp t or not. as you can see, the form is quite complicated and requires you to provide strong evidence that chat g bt really has your data and the ways you found that out and the reasons you don't like that. and even with all of that, they can't promise they'll fulfill your wish. furthermore, the whole existence of this form seems weird considering everything we know about how chat gp t works. another way to remove your data, for example, open a i says that your conversations are going to be removed if you delete your account, does it really work? your guess is as good as ours open a i to not provide any information if your data actually gets deleted from the system. so that's not an effective solution either a way to make open a i more transparent about its policies. no, no, no, no, sorry. that's just not possible. the time machine. ok? now we're talking, enter your time machine and travel back before you made your conversations with chat gp t but not before april 25th on this day. open a i introduced some new data policies and included a switch that allows you to opt out of using your data to train chat gp t. if your conversations were done before april 25th, you'll have to travel further back in time and compel your past self to not talk to chat gp t at all. so there you go. here's how to survive a chat gp t data leak in several easy steps. please share this handy guide with your coworkers. friends and relatives and for more indispensable tips on cyber security. please subscribe to our channel. thank you and have a nice day.